Equirements and principles for cooperation
The BORNIT® guidelines
In these company principles, BORNIT-Werk Aschenborn GmbH has laid down its requirements and principles for cooperation with its business partners.
Our company is committed to the following values:
We maintain a humane and direct relationship with our employees (this term shall cover both female and male employees) and are fair in entrepreneurial competition. We take a responsible position in society and towards our environment.
Our actions are guided by the principles of good faith and are determined by personal responsibility, honesty, and loyalty.
We do not gain any advantages by conducting our business illegally or unethically. Rather, we ensure optimal customer benefit and long-term business success through innovation and high product and service quality.
We expect our business partners, namely our suppliers and service providers, to implement and comply with the principles set out in these Corporate Business Principles in all areas of business and to conduct their activities accordingly.
The following corporate principles form an important basis for negotiations with our business partners.
1. Dealing with employees
Our business partners ...
- promote equal opportunities and equal treatment and prohibit discrimination in the recruitment, promotion and employment of employees;
- respect recognised human rights;
- recognise the applicable laws on the formation of interest groups and on freedom of assembly and association;
- provide their employees with the benefits applicable to them by law or by collective agreement established by law.
2. Occupational health and safety
Our business partners are expected to protect their employees from work-related health and safety hazards and to create safe working conditions for them through preventive health and safety management.
In any case, our business partners shall comply with the locally applicable health and occupational safety measures for their employees.
3. Environmental protection
Our business partners comply with all environmental laws, regulations and standards applicable to them. Within their sphere of influence, our business partners take all reasonable precautions to protect the environment, minimise environmental pollution and continuously improve environmental and climate protection.
4. Child labour
Our business partners reject child labour and any exploitation of children and/or young people. The minimum age for admission to employment must not be below the age at which compulsory schooling ends and in no case below 15 years of age. ILO exceptions apply. National standards for the protection of children and young people shall be complied with.
5. Forced labour
Our business partners do not tolerate any form of forced or compulsory labour, debt bondage, serfdom and slave labour as well as slavery; prison labour that violates human rights is also rejected. No employee shall be directly or indirectly coerced into employment through violence and/or intimidation. Employees shall be treated with dignity and respect. Employees may only be employed if they make themselves available for the work of their own free will.
6. Fair competition
Our business partners are committed to fair competition and fair contract design without any restrictions.
All agreements between companies, decisions by associations of companies and concerted practices, which have the purpose or effect of preventing, restricting or distorting competition, shall be prohibited, in particular including agreements with competitors for the purpose of market or customer allocation as well as agreements on prices or conditions.
7. Prevention of corruption
Our business partners ...
- do not tolerate any form of corruption or bribery, nor do they actively engage in such activities;
- ensure that they do not offer, promise or grant any improper advantages to our employees in order to influence their decision-making;
- avoid conflicts of interest that could lead to corruption risks.
8. Suppliers/Subcontracting
Our business partners ...
- shall pass on these corporate principles and requirements or equivalent principles to their suppliers and subcontractors and commit them accordingly;
- shall ensure that these corporate principles are also observed by their suppliers and subcontractors.
9. Data protection
Our business partners comply with all applicable laws on the protection of personal data, in particular of their business partners and employees.
10. Compliance with the Corporate Principles
Our business partners shall ensure that they comply with the principles set out in these Corporate Business Principles.
In the event of concrete suspicions of a violation of these Corporate Business Principles, our business partners should, if necessary, carry out an appropriate review or have such a review carried out and provide appropriate support.
If possible, we shall give our business partners the opportunity to implement appropriate remedial measures in the case of minor violations of these Corporate Business Principles. Any serious violation constitutes grounds for extraordinary termination of the existing contractual relationship.
In addition to our right to compensation, our business partners are obliged to indemnify us from all consequences of the violation of these corporate principles, in particular from fines, penalties as well as from claims of third parties or authorities.
Zwickau, 28/4/2017
Frank Metzner
Managing Director